Thank you, Thank you, thank you to everyone who made this night such a magical success! Thanks to my talented musician friends, my supportive & giving homies, my ever-loyal family, the great vibes, the ambient red Mississippi Studios & staff, anyone

who took a chance on the evening,
and especially YOU lovable beautiful fans! We had an enchanting standing-room-only event.
taken throughout the night of (you) fans & band.
CLICK HERE to see a fan's take.

please leave your comments! I would love to hear some feedback.
P.S. For those who missed it, or who want to reminisce:

Opening the show was
Eric D. Snider, humor columnist, songwriter, & self-proclaimed slacker. Dang, he was funny! Thank you, Eric, for gracing us with your one-of-a-kind humor!
How do you describe the show to someone who didn't come? I've

been trying to do that for my in-laws. hmmm. Something like...."I told my story, the history of my songs and personal life path, and described how the songs fit into that, along with some other skits, stories, film, slides, etc." Does that make sense? How would you describe it?
ALSO, for anyone who missed it, you can now buy the CD!
Click here to find out how you can get it and/or listen to clips.
Here are some excerpts from a comedy sketch:
Skye: I’m calling for Mom. She wants you to come over for dinner. Of all things, she’s making chicken livers later.
Clay: I’m…sorry you cut out. She’s sick & what?
Skye: Chicken livers… later
Clay: Mom has Liver failure? Oh no! That’s terrible!
Skye: Actually it’s not that bad. I’ve had it before.
Clay: You never told me you had liver failure.
Skye: What?Clay: When did you have that? I had no idea.Skye: I don’t know. I was at my in-laws I guess. It’s okay, it just makes me feel kindof sedentary.
Clay: It’s hereditary?!