So I did. And to be honest, I was surprised at the responses I got. Songs I figured weren't that great were loved and vise verse (shows you what I know). Most people did more than check the little boxes. I got a lot of comments, and they were so good, I decided I'd publish some of them here. So, here's the shake-down on which songs got the most votes, and some of the things people said about them:
- 8 - Reaching Up
- "My fav. You sounded like an angel singing this."
- "My favorite. 4 thumbs up. Love this one."
- 5 - Betrothed
- "Very pretty."
- "Every time you hit the first note of every line in the refrain, it was like light." [what a poetic fan this one is!]
- "Great. Very emotionally moving song."
- "Madly, deeply in love with this."
- 7 - Prayer
- "Beautiful"
- "Great. Add 1 more verse. Lyrics/Music on point."
- 3 - Angels Could Not Hear Me Cry
- "Good. Made me sad though."
- 8 - Tell Me Baby
- "Love it! Would listen to it in the car all the time!"
- "Great! Add a few more chords and this is a top 10 hit."
- 6 - Change My Mind
- "A song for all to hear."
- "We love this song"
- "Wow!... and I am a guy."
- " :) "
- 4 - Start Over
- "Fun song"
- "I like how this exposes the circus of logic we play with ourselves."
- " I think [this was] my favorite. It really hit home being single."
- "I love the way you write. The words really speak to my heart! As you sing with the music it flows so well."
- "I always get goosebumps when I hear you sing a.k.a. you're an 11+ in my book!"
- "What a joy it was to listen to you! You are very talented! Thank you for an enjoyable evening."
- "Times I cried: IIIII"
and going...
and going...
Thanks, everyone, for coming and filling the room!
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