Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
Cantico: The Portland Chamber Singers

Enter Cantico, a small chamber choir startup in Portland. Great, great singers, all. This is a small group of incredible musicians who are mostly too busy to really be out performing much, but we're managing, together, to do some incredible music.
You should check it out. We won't perform again until late fall or Christmas, but when we do, be ready....
Monday, September 08, 2008
Should Be Famous

So check out the podcast. The webpage is here: www.shouldbefamous.com or you can subscribe at iTunes directly by clicking HERE.
Hope you enjoy!
P.S. If you know of a great song by a non-professional musician, please leave a comment and let me/us know. We are finding these gems almost entirely by word of mouth.
Thursday, September 04, 2008
I have a lot of big questions to ask myself at this point about music. Getting into it again would be far more complicated now than it would have been after only a few months off for baby-makin'. And I'm not sure I have the energy to continue as I was doing then. I miss playing and singing desperately. But I don't miss the hassle and stress of setting up shows and promoting myself. It's been a nice break, and I now have to really think about what I want out of my music, who really cares other than me, and what kind of difference it makes, if any, whether and how much I play again.
I am thinking I want to do an exploratory show or shows soon here. You know.... see if anyone comes, see if it's more fun than not, see how it feels to get the rusty pipes out. I'd love to see you there, so keep in touch if you're around. I'll be looking for a friendly face or two.
Sunday, September 02, 2007
No More Monkeys Jumping on the Bed
Nope. No joke. The most commonly asked question I get these days is "where have you been?" or "when are you going to play again?" I know. Even I anticipated getting back on the scene by now. I even had a gig or two set up for late summer.
But... life has thrown me yet another one. About a month ago my husband was diagnosed with a rare, aggressive form of non-hodgkins lymphoma. And, of course, that changes things.
If you're interested to read the details, you can find them on my personal family blog. I know, I know. I get lots of people concerned about my giving such personal information on my music site. But, you know what? My music is personal. Singing is personal. Songwriting is very personal. Everything about my music and performing is more personal than many people get even in day-to-day interactions. So... I figure as long as I don't get any crazy fan stalkers, no harm in sharing (Hey, you two fans that I have left after all this time, no stalking! k?)
Monday, July 16, 2007
As Heard on Mormon Stories Podcast

You can hear/download my song from the podcast at my website under 'music' then 'live recordings,' or just click here)
Thursday, March 01, 2007
...Till the Fat Lady Sings
The fat lady sang. And now... well... she may not be so fat, but she's a little busy.
Never fear. We'll pick it up again soon. Meanwhile, I'll be working on the lullabies, I expect. :)
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Diva Series: October 9, McMenamin's Edgefield

Always a breath of fresh air to play this show with Skip. After a summer of outdoor shows I was reminded of why I love the acoustics of this cozy space.

This show was my first experiment in live recording with some techie-gear I just bought. I have yet to master it (I'm a musician, not a techie, and I generally like to keep it that way, but alas, I must learn to make basic recordings of my own stuff). After I take a listen and sift through I may post some live clips of favorite songs, so check back about that...

Friday, April 14, 2006
Diva Series: April 10, 2006

So I did. And to be honest, I was surprised at the responses I got. Songs I figured weren't that great were loved and vise verse (shows you what I know). Most people did more than check the little boxes. I got a lot of comments, and they were so good, I decided I'd publish some of them here. So, here's the shake-down on which songs got the most votes, and some of the things people said about them:
- 8 - Reaching Up
- "My fav. You sounded like an angel singing this."
- "My favorite. 4 thumbs up. Love this one."
- 5 - Betrothed
- "Very pretty."
- "Every time you hit the first note of every line in the refrain, it was like light." [what a poetic fan this one is!]
- "Great. Very emotionally moving song."
- "Madly, deeply in love with this."
- 7 - Prayer
- "Beautiful"
- "Great. Add 1 more verse. Lyrics/Music on point."
- 3 - Angels Could Not Hear Me Cry
- "Good. Made me sad though."
- 8 - Tell Me Baby
- "Love it! Would listen to it in the car all the time!"
- "Great! Add a few more chords and this is a top 10 hit."
- 6 - Change My Mind
- "A song for all to hear."
- "We love this song"
- "Wow!... and I am a guy."
- " :) "
- 4 - Start Over
- "Fun song"
- "I like how this exposes the circus of logic we play with ourselves."
- " I think [this was] my favorite. It really hit home being single."
- "I love the way you write. The words really speak to my heart! As you sing with the music it flows so well."
- "I always get goosebumps when I hear you sing a.k.a. you're an 11+ in my book!"
- "What a joy it was to listen to you! You are very talented! Thank you for an enjoyable evening."
- "Times I cried: IIIII"
and going...
and going...
Thanks, everyone, for coming and filling the room!
Friday, March 31, 2006
Iiiiiiiit's Official!

I went to talk to the kids about what a musician does and what it's like to be a musician. Answer: mostly I sit at a desk just like every other boring job. Maybe 5-10% of my work time is spent playing music. But that's a boring answer, so it's not what I told the wee ones. In fact, it's a boring topic if you're three years old, so I spent about 60 seconds on it before I moved on to the discussion of "who wants to play an instrument?!" and passed out little shakers and tambourines n' stuff. I did try

Anyway... I'm pleased to be recognized by the museum for what I truly am. My name badge proves it. And if you think I photoshopped the name badge, YOU'RE WRONG! It's real. I swear! I even have it around here somewhere and I can show you! You gotta believe me, man....
Saturday, March 25, 2006
Okay, okay, okay!
I've been made fun of, cajoled, harassed, and questioned enough. Okay I believe you all! I should be on myspace. And now I am. :)

Are any of you on myspace? I feel kinda lonely there so far.
- If you are on myspace, add me as a friend (lest I look like a hermit to people who visit).
- If you are on myspace, use my tunes on your profile. yeah!
- If you are on myspace, listen to music, comment on it, tell friends.
- If you are not on myspace, maybe you'd enjoy checking it out and listening to the audio-stream.
Really, thanks, all you who love me, for making me do it.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Edgefield: Skye & Kyrstyn
Some of the happenings:

See the rest of the pictures HERE.
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Rescheduled! (sort of in a way)
Monday, March 6th
McMenamin's Edgefield Hotel Winery
2126 SE Halsey, Troutdale
21+, no cover
Yes, it's the same time/location as the regular Diva series, but we'll be doing it sans Skip this evening. Two crooning and wailing sisters, we'll be!
Friendly faces are always wanted. I hope to see some of you there. :)
Saturday, January 07, 2006
Diva Series 2006

Other Diva's are: Susie Blue, Ashleigh Flynn, Laurena Marrone, Myshkin, Terra, Lea Kruger.
Too see when and where I'll be playing, visit my website calendar.
Saturday, December 10, 2005
We Got Press!
The Timpanogos Singer/Songwriter Alliance serves up a varied menu in this compilation album. It's a sampler of genres — everything from Celtic to folk to country to pop to blues — as well as a mixture of instrumental, vocal and group performances. There's a lot of originality, with a few new interpretations of traditional songs stirred in. And it all works well together. Especially flavorful are Jesse Thurgood's original "Angels"; Carrie Scott and JaNae Kotter's blend of "Still, Still, Still" and "Silent Night"; Jeff Hinton and Quint Randle with a countryesque "I Still Believe"; and Skye Pixton's soft and airy "Angels We Have Heard On High." Also contributing are Eclipse, Sam Payne, Shawn Cavalli, One Voice Children's Choir, Peter Breinholt, Jon Schmidt, Fiddlesticks, Russ Kendall and Amy Gileadi and Johnny and the Rebels. — C.W.
Monday, December 05, 2005
Angels We Have Heard on a New Holiday Compilation CD!

To celebrate, to make Christmas Money, and as a cheap marketing ploy, I'm having a December CD Sale! All CDs are 2 for $20. To take advantage of it, CLICK HERE.
Monday, November 21, 2005
Thank You Universe!: The Enchanted Love Lies & Skye E.P. Release

P.S. For those who missed it, or who want to reminisce:

How do you describe the show to someone who didn't come? I've

ALSO, for anyone who missed it, you can now buy the CD! Click here to find out how you can get it and/or listen to clips.
Here are some excerpts from a comedy sketch:

Skye: I’m calling for Mom. She wants you to come over for dinner. Of all things, she’s making chicken livers later.
Clay: I’m…sorry you cut out. She’s sick & what?
Skye: Chicken livers… later
Clay: Mom has Liver failure? Oh no! That’s terrible!
Skye: Actually it’s not that bad. I’ve had it before.

Clay: You never told me you had liver failure.
Skye: What?
Clay: When did you have that? I had no idea.
Skye: I don’t know. I was at my in-laws I guess. It’s okay, it just makes me feel kindof sedentary.
Clay: It’s hereditary?!
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Hey! I'm in the paper!
Friday, September 09, 2005
MusicFestNW 2005

What an event! I saw some amazing musicians myself, with my handy little wristband. Thanks so much to everyone who came to my little set, in the outer-edge of MusicFestLand. The Pizza was hot, and it was greek, and there were three other bands to see, and plenty of other folks hangin' around. What a great time.
Sunday, June 12, 2005
Rose Festival 2005

Last Friday we played the Rose Festival on the Waterfront. I was joined by all my favorites: Skip Vonkuske on cello, Courtney Atack on backup vocals, and for the first time, Leila Cheiko on percussion. She was great!
Despite some sprinkling (and then some torrents) we had a great time. The stage and seating were covered so we all crammed under the tent like a big cozy family until the end of our set. Thanks so much to everyone who came out for the show!
To see more pictures, CLICK HERE.